The Economic Development Steering Committee, a committee of Council, will assist in preparing the Request for Proposal to retain professional services to develop the Town of Moosonee’s Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP). Once professional services are selected, with the approval of Town Council, the Committee will provide on-going support and consultation with the consultant.
The Economic Development Steering Committee members are intended to reflect the various segments of the community’s economy and shall be comprised of the following members who are appointed by council. The public will be welcome to attend meetings and share opinions. The Committee shall consist of the following representatives:
- One Member from Town Council – shall be the Chairperson of the Committee
- The Town’s Manager of Recreation & Tourism – shall be the Committee Coordinator
- The Town’s CAO or designate
- Community Member-At-Large
- A representative from the private business sector
- A representative from the education sector
- A representative from the health care sector
- A representative from the tourism sector
- A representative from the transportation sector
To ensure input from all parts of the municipality, the Council shall make an effort to appoint representatives from the municipality who represent a broad cross-section of the economy and geography, and who are knowledgeable about the community. In the event a member of the Steering Committee resigns or cannot complete the term, Council may appoint another person of similar specialty, to the committee.
The Committee members shall be appointed for a minimum of one year, or until the Economic Development Strategic Plan is completed and presented to Council. Council will confirm appointments annually.
The following are main tasks of Committee members:
- To complete a funding application for NOHFC and FedNor, to obtain funding to source and retain a qualified consultant to develop an EDSP for the Town of Moosonee.
- Upon receipt of funding, to develop criteria for an RFP to qualified consultants, to develop an EDSP.
- To review and assess all Proposals received and evaluate them in accordance with the terms set forth in the RFP.
- To make a recommendation to Council as to the preferred Consultant.
- To guide the development of the EDSP once the consultant has been selected.
- To provide opportunities for community input from their respective areas and/or organizations.
- To review drafts of the EDSP as it is developed and provide input into the final version of the Strategic Plan.
- To present the EDSP to Council for consideration and approval. The Steering Committee will be supported by resources from the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines & Forestry, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, and others as may be necessary.
Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Steering Committee.
Any member of the Committee, who misses three consecutive meetings, without being excused by the Committee, may be removed from the Committee and replaced. The Committee must make recommendations, by a report to Town Council, for the removal of any member.
The Manager of Recreation & Tourism will act as the Committee Coordinator and shall be responsible for preparing and distributing meeting agendas and meeting minutes. The Manager will attend all meetings, act as a staff resource, and provide the Committee with technical assistance.
Minutes of all Steering Committee meetings shall be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk to be placed on a Council agenda to be received for information. Committee recommendations to Council shall be put forward in a written report to Council from the Manager.